
A Minimalistic & Modern Interior Website Design

Motivation Behind the Design

When it comes to interior design, simplicity is often key. The same can be said for web design. I wanted to create a website for “Masonry Design”, a fictive company, that would showcase their work in a clean, modern way while staying true to the company’s focus on minimalism. The color palette of black and white allowed me to create a striking contrast that emphasized the simplicity of the design. I also wanted to use typography and graphics to create a strong visual impact, making the website easy to navigate while still being aesthetically pleasing.

Elements of the Design

The header of the website is a prime example of the minimalist approach I took to the design. The logo for Masonry Design is simple and unobtrusive, allowing it to blend seamlessly into the overall design of the website. The centered navigation makes it easy for users to find what they’re looking for, and the CTA button on the right side of the header encourages visitors to take action.

Moving down the page, the landing page text blocks are another key element of the design. These blocks are straightforward and easy to read, making it simple for visitors to understand what Masonry Design is all about. The CTAs at the bottom of each block are clear and concise, making it easy for visitors to take action and continue exploring.

On the right side of the mid-content, there is a modern shaped graphic with different labels in the same form. This graphic is an excellent example of how I wanted to infuse the classic design style with modern elements. The labels are all clear and easy to read, but the shape of the graphic gives it a contemporary edge that sets it apart from traditional designs.

At the bottom of the page, I included some “company stats” or features and social icons. These elements not only add a sense of professionalism to the design, but they also give visitors a better understanding of what Masonry Design can do for them. The social icons make it easy for visitors to connect with the company on various social media platforms, and the stats provide valuable information that potential clients can use to make informed decisions.

Overall Design Experience

Creating this minimalistic interior website design for Masonry Design was an enjoyable and challenging experience. I had to strike a balance between the classic and modern design styles while keeping the focus on simplicity and elegance. The black and white color palette made this task easier, as it allowed me to create a striking contrast that emphasized the beauty of the design.

Throughout the design process, I remained focused on the user experience. I wanted to create a website that was easy to navigate while still being visually stunning. The landing page text blocks, modern shaped graphic, and company stats all work together to provide visitors with a clear understanding of what Masonry Design is all about, while also encouraging them to take action.

In Conclusion

The minimalistic interior website design for Masonry Design is a prime example of how classic design styles can be infused with modern elements to create a website that is both timeless and contemporary. The simple black and white color palette, clean typography, and modern graphics all work together to create a visually stunning website that is easy to navigate and understand. As a web designer, it was a pleasure to work on this project, and I’m proud of the results. If you’re looking for a minimalistic approach to web design, then I encourage you to take.

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