
Instagram – A New & Modern Redesign Approach

As a freelance web designer, I’m constantly looking for new opportunities to create something innovative and exciting. One of the most popular social media platforms today is Instagram, with millions of users worldwide. However, despite its widespread success, I’ve always felt that there’s room for improvement in terms of the app’s design. With that in mind, I decided to take on the challenge of redesigning the Instagram app, with a modern and futuristic approach.

The Inspiration Behind the Redesign

When it comes to modern and futuristic design, one of the elements that immediately comes to mind is the gradient. I wanted to incorporate a gradient into the redesign of the app, and I drew inspiration from the branding colors of JvstLeon. The gradient I used transitions from a vibrant pink to a neon turquoise, and it’s been incorporated into different elements of the app to create a seamless and cohesive look.

Elements Used in the Redesign

Post-Feed Page

The first thing that users see when they open the Instagram app is the home-feed screen. In my redesign, I’ve included a small navigation bar with the Instagram logo on the top left corner, followed by a slider for recent stories. The most prominent element on the page is a large block for a single photo, which includes important information such as the username of the person who posted the photo, the number of likes, comments, and shares, as well as options to like, comment, and share the post. Below the photo, there’s space for a post description, where users can add their thoughts or captions to the photo. I kept the design of the post-feed page minimal to ensure that the focus remains on the photo.

Account Page

The account page is where users can access their personal content, and it’s an essential part of the app. In my redesign, I’ve kept the layout of the account page similar to the original Instagram page, but with significant changes to the design elements. I’ve incorporated the branding gradient into different parts of the page, including the profile picture, the icons, and the buttons. I also used square shapes to create a clean and organized look, which is consistent with the modern and futuristic design theme. I’ve used a tab-navigation bar at the bottom of the page, which shows posts, reels, and references.

Overall Design Experience

Redesigning the Instagram app with a modern and futuristic approach was an exciting challenge, and it required a lot of experimentation and research. I wanted to create a design that’s not only visually appealing but also user-friendly and easy to navigate. One of the challenges I faced was finding a balance between minimalism and functionality. I wanted to keep the design minimal to ensure that the focus remains on the content, but I also needed to include all the essential features of the app.

Another challenge I encountered was incorporating the branding gradient into the design elements without making it too overwhelming. I wanted to create a cohesive look throughout the app, but I also needed to ensure that the design remains clean and organized. After several iterations and feedback from peers, I found a balance that worked well and created a seamless transition between screens.

In conclusion, redesigning the Instagram app with a modern and futuristic approach was an exhilarating experience. I’m pleased with the final product and believe that it provides a fresh and innovative look to the app. I hope that my redesign inspires other designers to think outside the box and create something unique and original. The design of the app is constantly evolving, and it’s up to us as designers to keep pushing the boundaries and creating something exceptional.

See more related content on my Instagram page.

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